Data4Citizen 20.06

Wed, 06/03/2020 - 09:48 -- admin

Lyon, June 3, 2020

Data4Citizen 20.06

Data4Citizen, the fastest growing Open Data infrastructure, was officially released today. Data4Citizen version 20.06 includes the following new features :

  • Ability to change the default view for each dataset
  • Ability to add source file encoding when creating a dataset
  • Possibility to choose a column to define the color of the points on a map
  • Ability to add a creation date to a dataset (regardless of the real creation date)
  • Access to default analysis for datasets in private mode
  • Automatic renaming of columns when names have duplicates
  • Ability to remove the background image from a dataset
  • Vanilla cube creation interface
  • Sending an alert email when creating a new reuse


Enhancements :

  • Improvement of the data set creation/modification interface
  • Filter on the visibility of datasets
  • Selection of datasets from the drop-down list in the "data dictionary and tooltip" section
  • Correction of the size of the map icons for smartphones
  • Management of possible spaces (at the beginning and end of column names) when adding a dataset
  • Correction of the maximum length of the title of the datasets
  • Interpretation of carriage returns in the dataset description
  • Improved error messages when creating a map
  • Improvement of the management of the file separators and of the coordinates column for the creation of a map
  • Renaming fields, when adding a geojson file, which may cause problems when displaying the map (reserved names)
  • Improved management of missing datasets during harvesting research
  • Ability to check all columns in the data dictionary


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